Keys and Results

        The five Keys which are entirely unique to the Aurose Process:

Layers of the Heart, Clearing Womb Residue (this format), Re-education of the Cells Response, Bringing the New Creation Light Substances to the Cells, and Discovering the Soul of Your Nation (with personal healing and personal soul to collective soul destiny discovery)

Layers of the Heart-Opening the passage from your sternum, Emotional surface heart center, to the center of your chest where your unique spiritual essence is embodied in your Soul Center, to behind the physical heart to the deeper Cosmic Vast or Is-ness.

Results: The Soul Center brings a sense of safety, peace, serenity, quiet, belonging, and can lead to a self-existent love, joy, light, purpose, knowingness, destiny, spiritual richness, fulfillment, beauty of your soul, gratitude, compassion for self and others. 

You may possibly meet familiar spiritual guides here or new ones. You may ask questions and may get answers in words, symbols, colors, or knowingness. 

With lots of practice doing the Layers of the Heart in sessions, as a personal meditation, and checking in whenever you are taking public transportation, you may eventually find the entire chest area becomes a reliable, always serene, continuum of light. At this point it is possible to feel an empathic oneness with All, yet retain your soul's sense of uniqueness, current life purpose, and evolutionary destiny.

Clearing Cellular Residue and Bringing Former Parts to the Soul Center for Renewal and Integration-The epigenetic subtle physical overlay to our cells functioning may contain imprints of trauma or shock from this life, being in the womb, past lives, being between lives, with one's nation, or having had lives on other planets. These magnetic imprints are worked with, evolutionary gems and parts of one's being are retrieved, and brought to the Soul Center. Through this process residue is dissolved. 

Results: Relief, former parts no longer feel alone or cut-off but live in safety and belonging. This gives the sense that one's Self has expanded and former talents or knowledge are available for use. The areas of the body which were worked with, feel open with natural or enhanced flow and functioning. This increases the body's overall health and the Self's sense of worth and well-being.

Re-education of the Cells Response- Through millions of years living 

cells were taught to respond to all the energies in their environment for survival, to find nourishment, avoid danger, or to fight back with aggressors. 

Personal Application:In the Aurose Process your body will learn to consult your Soul Center first before responding to people. Also, by adulthood most bodies have absorbed many energies from their parents, teachers, and others that needs to be released with goodwill back to Source. These energies are cleansed and go back, as pure energy to these people, from which these energies came. 

Results:This process not only relieves your body, it also clears karma between you and others, so the next time you meet in this life or a next life you and they do not need to replay old karma. This brings souls to their true relation of acknowledgment of being part of one divine, and freedom of choice to interact or not.

Collective Application: The cellular re-education also includes being able to clear your body of environmental energies from the media, movies, collective thought-forms, political overlays, sectarian limitations, and to some extent from air pollution, and dispersed toxins. When you can rely on finding your Soul Center Light you can begin to direct this to various parts of your body and begin to identify energies which don't belong to you. The cells learn to use the Soul Light to push out the other energies and return these energies to Source for cleaning and transmutation. 

Results: Relief with better physical and vital health for you. Returning collective energies to Source helps the collective! This process allows Source to directly clean collective energies and over time some very negative collective energies may dissipate or dissolve and new ideas or concepts may emerge in a collective which takes the collective to its next better steps.*

*This is a process I do every day at the beginning of my morning meditation to some extent. The more completely I do it the more energy, freshness, and optimistic enthusiasm I have for the day! I consider Collective Clearing to be a daily basic evolutionary skill, like brushing your teeth, particularly for this century!

Opening to your Higher Self Light and Connecting this with your Opened Heart Soul Center- All regions between the heart, through the upper chest and neck are cleared.

Results: The brain cells and mind begin to work in harmonious alignment with the wisdom of the Heart-Soul Center. With practice a column of light can be seen from the top of the head straight down to the tip of the tail bone.

Bringing the New Creation Light-Substance directly to the Cells-Taking this Light through the body with the body's permission and sense of well being.

         Results: There is a spectrum of pure New Creation light colors, which may appear. These can be felt as etheric, liquid, or as a light substance. The latter may have such a strong sense as to produce a sense of weight-density and/or taste such as mango, peppermint, or vanilla ice cream or produce a sound such as music or a mantra, and have a texture such as plasma, gel, magma, soft flower petal, or melted wax. The cells feel nourished in a new way;

the cells directly feel happy or joyful.*

*The more our cells are cleared from old residue, the better the cells can function. In addition the cells are learning to utilize new energy forms which come in from the subtle physical. These new sources of nourishment are the very beginning of the body's capacity to bridge from homo sapiens to the next species. I believe utilizing these new energies now will help present bodies get through this century.